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Boudoir, it's all about you!

Foto van schrijver: AddictivationAddictivation

Boudoir photography gives a super positive energy boost that touches you in the core! Step out of your daily stress and into an enjoyable day totally focussed on your feminine beauty. Imagine yourself sinking away in the soft pillows, you wearing your most sensual outfits, already knowing that you will blow your partners mind out with the final results.

The first and most important step is to allow yourself to enjoy the special treatment of a boudoir, lingerie or glamour photoshoot! It is true that most people don't look at themselves as a model, but you certainly don't need to have size 34 to look great! It just takes an excellent photographer that recognizes the beauty in you and is able to capture that. That is my challenge and I really love doing that, but it all starts with you making the first step and allowing yourself to have that very special treat. During the shoot I will give you directions how to pose so that you look wonderful.

During a cup of coffee the anticipation starts and we discuss what your preferences are, what you like and not to forget what you don't! Together we create a mood board to envision what we will jointly create. As you can observe from my boudoir portfolio nothing on earth seems weird to me and we've all read 50 shades of grey! Although I know that the line is thin I always remain professional during a shoot. I would certainly encourage you to bring a girlfriend or your partner with you during a boudoir shoot, because the most important thing is that you will feel totally relaxed.

Once you realize the full impact of a boudoir shoot you know that it is all about the mind and so much less about the body. Because if you feel good, you will look good. Certainly the professional visage and lingerie will give your self confidence a boost even do you might feel a bit nervous the moment you step into the spotlights and hear the first click of the camera. Even the best models have that feeling, which is natural. The adrenaline will kick in once you see the first preview shots where you look as beautiful and sensual as you are. After 10 minutes you won’t even notice the camera and flashlights anymore and then the real joy starts: you being in focus and getting all the attention you ever did dream about.

The joy, the laughing and care will be so liberating that already during the photo shoot you start longing for the next session. Being in an safe environment where you feel free to tap into your sensuality without judgement and only encouragement results in a memory that you will not forget.

The best thing is the post boudoir shoot energy that you will gain! Looking at the beautiful images of yourself realizing it is you that does look that great give your self confidence and esteem an incredible boost. You will look into the mirror as you never did before and people will feel all those positive vibes and feel your attractiveness no matter what you wear afterwards.

But tell me: what could I do to make your boudoir shoot the best experience you ever had?

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